01. Date of Establishment 

-December 16, 1959
-The first and largest women’s organizations in Korea 

02. President 

Huh, Myung

03. Number of Members 

5 million members, including 54 member organizations and 17 city & state women’s organizations

04. Mission and Vision

Encouraging women to actively participate in the development of women’s organizations and the establishment of social welfare. Representing the voices of women’s organizations to the government and society to advance women’s rights and achieve gender equality.

05. Activities 

1.Hosting discussions and exchanging data/information among member organizations  
2.Submitting policy proposals and representing women’s organizations to the government and society.  
3.Interacting with domestic women’s organizations
4.Interacting with, international women’s organizations
5.Empowering women through skill development and job creation education, nurturing women leaders
6.Expanding women’s participation in society and promoting women’s status and rights
7.Leading initiatives for the achievement of gender equality

06. Korean National Council of Women’s CI (Corporate Identity) 

The Corporate Identity (CI) of the Korean National Council of Women is to unify women and head towards the aim of achieving gender equality through the advancement of women’s status and rights.


01. Date of Establishment
-December 16, 1959
-The first and largest women’s organizations in Korea

02. President
Huh, Myung

03. Number of Members
5 million members, including 54 member organizations and 17 city & state women’s organizations

04. Mission and Vision
Encouraging women to actively participate in the development of women’s organizations and the establishment of social welfare. Representing the voices of women’s organizations to the government and society to advance women’s rights and achieve gender equality.

05. Activities
1.Hosting discussions and exchanging data/information among member organizations
2.Submitting policy proposals and representing women’s organizations to the government and society.
3.Interacting with domestic women’s organizations
4.Interacting with, international women’s organizations

5.Empowering women through skill development and job creation education, nurturing women leaders

6.Expanding women’s participation in society and promoting women’s status and rights

7.Leading initiatives for the achievement of gender equality

06. Korean National Council of Women’s CI (Corporate Identity)
The Corporate Identity (CI) of the Korean National Council of Women is to unify women and head towards the

aim of achieving gender equality through the advancement of women’s status and rights.

25, Hangang-daero 21-Gil, Yongsan-Gu,


TEL. 82-2794-4560    |   FAX. 82-2-796-4995 

EMAIL. kncw@kncw.or.kr

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25, Hangang-daero 21-Gil, Yongsan-Gu, Seoul(140-880) 

TEL. 82-2794-4560    |   FAX. 82-2-796-4995    |   EMAIL. kncw@kncw.or.kr

Copyright (C) 2023. KNCW All Rights Reserved.